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Extract from Boy, an Autobiography

The next day, we were allowed to inspect the appendix
itself in a glass bottle. It was a longish black wormy-looking
thing, and I said, 'Do I have one of those inside me,
'Everyone has one,' Nanny answered.
'What's it for?' I asked her.
'God works in mysterious ways,' she said, which
was her stock reply whenever she didn't know the answer.
'What makes it go bad?' I asked her.
'Toothbrush bristles,' she answered, this time with no
hesitation at all.
'Toothbrush bristles?' I cried. 'How can toothbrush bristles
make your appendix go bad?'
Nanny, who in my eyes was filled with more wisdom
than Solomon, replied, 'Whenever a bristle comes out of
your toothbrush and you swallow it, it sticks in your
appendix and turns rotton. In the war,' she went on, 'the
German spies used to sneak boxloads of loose-bristled
toothbrushes into our shops and millions of our soldiers
got appendicitis.'
'Honestly, Nanny?' I cried. 'Is that honestly true?'
'I never lie to you, child,' she answered. 'So let that be
a lesson to you never to use an old toothbrush.'
For years after that, I used to get nervous whenever I
found a toothbrush bristle on my tongue. p.95

Extract from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Revolting Rhymes

Later, the Huntsman made a stop
Within the local butcher's shop,
And there he bought, for safety's sake,
A bullock heart and one nice steak,
"Oh Majesty! Oh Queen!" he cried,
"That rotten little girl has died!
And just to prove I did not cheat,
I've brought along these bits of meat."
The Queen cried out, "Bravissimo!
I trust you killed her nice and slow."
Then (this is the disgusting part)
The Queen sat down and ate the heart!
(I only hope she cooked it well.
Boiled heart can be as tough as hell.)

Extract from The Magic Finger

(pg 12-15)

The Magic Finger is something I have been able to do all my life.

I can't tell you just how I do it, because I don't even know myself.

But it always happens when I get cross, when I see red...

Then I get very, very hot all over...

Then the tip of the forefinger of my right hand begins to tingle most terribly...

And suddenly a sort of flash comes out of me, a quick flash, like something electric. It jumps out and touches the person who has made me cross...

And after that the Magic Finger is upon him or her, and things begin to happen...

Snozzcumbers: Extract from The BFG

"But if you don't eat people like all the others,"
Sophie said, "Then what do you live on?"
"That is a squelching tricky problem around
here," the BFG answered. "In this sloshflunking
Giant Country, happy eats like pineapples and
pigwinkles is simply not growing. Nothing is
growing except for one extreemly icky-poo
vegetable. It is called the snozzcumber."
"The snozzcumber!" cried Sophie. "There's no
such thing!"
The BFG looked at Sophie and smiled, showing
about twenty of his square white teeth. "Yesterday,"
he said "we was not believeing in giants, was we?
Today we is not believing in snozzcumbers. Just
because we happen not to have actually seen
something with our own little winkles, we think it is
not existing." p.51.